Super ventilator systems
DT Medicals has delivered highly efficient ventilator units to hospitals in the UK. This was very critical to help solve the health problems and crisis brought by COVID-19 Pandemic. According to the BBC,the government has said it will buy thousands of ventilators to help ease the pressure on hospitals caused by the coronavirus crisis. For patients with the worst effects of the infection, a ventilator can offer the best chance of survival.
What is a ventilator and what does it do?
Simply put, a ventilator takes over the body’s breathing process when disease has caused the lungs to fail.
This gives the patient time to fight off the infection and recover. Various types of medical ventilation can be used.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), some 80% of people with Covid-19 – the disease caused by coronavirus – recover without needing hospital treatment.
In these severe cases, the virus causes damage to the lungs, causing the body’s oxygen levels to drop and making it harder to breathe. To alleviate this, a ventilator is used to push air, with increased levels of oxygen, into the lungs. The ventilator also has a humidifier, which adds heat and moisture to the air supply so it matches the patient’s body temperature. Patients are given medication to relax the respiratory muscles so their breathing can be fully regulated by the machine.

Commission R50 ventilator to Kettering General Hospital
DT Medicals commissions first batch of R50 ventilator to Kettering General Hospital amidst COVID-19 Pandemic.

Demo at Bart health NHS hospital
DT Medicals launches demo at Bart health NHS hospital amidst COVID-19 Pandemic.